Friday, January 13, 2012

They who must not be named

Having a husband, it means having someone who voluntarily hears listens to you talking, chitchatting, murmuring and as a woman who has to speak around 200,000 words per day just to keep sane, I feel blessed having someone around to talk to. During the old depressive episodes, sometimes I greeted the otah seller or whoever around just to have someone to converse with.
Thank God now I have someone at home to talk to. And thank God that he has caring ears. He pays attention to every single little thing that I share, ranging from my daily activities to people's daily activities (that I see on Facebook). Since he doesn't have one, I frequently share who does what, the pictures, my opinion bout them and every teeny tiny thing I find. Everything except the two names that I shall never dare to mention till God knows when. Those two names who shall never be spoken under our family's roof.
Not that I didn't try to normalize they who must not be named. But every time I tried, it all backfired at me. Once, I tried to talk him to at least say "Hi" when they were in the same room, but he reluctantly agreed. In the end, he didn't do it. And seeing him feeling bad makes me feel bad. Anything related to they who must not be named never ends up in pH 7. It's either too acid or too alkaline and I have to put strong acid or strong base to neutralize it. So in the end, I stop. Maybe I'll try sometime later someday if the situation forced me to. Or I let God twist their faith again somehow. Or maybe, maybe, they would at last talk to him and give him peace which is one year overdue now. Right now, we just decided to walk past thru it. Sure, there are still some things that cannot be shaken off. He's an ordinary normal human being after all.
Well, like I said here, I've decided to trust him. He's already had some time and space to clear his head out of that mess before he asked me to marry him. Hence, when we got married, I decided to put those things behind us, where they should be. Honestly, it's hard. Sometimes, they who must not be named dragged us back to the past, but till date, we somehow manage to go back on track. The most important thing in our journey is me and him, I think. The rest is just black and dark shadow that we need to clear off.

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