Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I told u it’s hurt but you still do not stop…
For the very simple reason, I finally can understand why people got divorced, why men can have one nite stand with hos, why it’s so easy for men to have an affair though they already have children…
It’s so vivid right now…The difference that makes a man man and a woman woman (at least ordinary man and woman)
I finally understand though I still cannot accept it… And I pray to God for every single pain I have rite now, it can redeem for the pain I’ve caused…For every tear drop I have right now, God will give me someone who can be my shelter in this life and the life after
Unlike you, I don’t have the on/off switch button…But like you, I am only human that made a mistake…Either this is my redemption for the error I’ve done or this is the answer to my pray, I know I would be alright as long as God with me… (n I keep saying hasbunallah…)
I always love the way you love me…or now it becomes, I always loved the way you loved me…

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