Friday, December 30, 2011

Me blabbing about PDA

Let's just settle one thing first. This is my personal opinion about PDA. It might annoy you, it might hurt you, it might make you hating me so I warn you...If you feel content with your PDA thingy and don't even care with what the rest of the world thinks, just turn around please. If you continue reading it and end up being annoyed...Well guess what, that's exactly what I feel when I saw PDA thingy post flooding my news feed. So, for the sake of whatever relationship we have, for the sake of the possibility that me considering you my dear friend, if you really okay with PDA, just turn around please :)
If you can read this, it means you are in a way ignoring my warning...So, just please embrace yourself.

When I said PDA, what I mean is the public display of affection either online like on facebook or other social network per se or the 'real cuddling and kissing'. Well, I live in a country where such acts are quite common in public place. Not as horrible as in Western Europe or in US though. At least, people here still try to find the empty corners or dark areas to 'perform' PDA. (It kinda make me understand the reason my parents won't let us grow up in Western European country. It's just useless to sensor any kissing scene from your TV if your children can see it anywhere).

Anyway, I don't like seeing PDA...wkwkw...It irks me. Like I said earlier, some people in this country are decent enough to find empty corners or dark areas. That may be one positive side of this country. You don't just see teenagers smooching in an open area in a crowded mall. Though one occasion or another, I could see people showing PDA in the mall, MRT, bus, or university, and my instant response in mind is always
Get a room will you...
One I cannot run from is the online PDA as it's flooding my facebook news feed. It is seriously eerie when you see the intimate conversation or what's supposed to be meant only for two between husband and wife in a public area. The more eerie when they don't even married yet. My response is the same, get a room will you...well, by room I means SMS, Gtalk, YM, Skype, BBM, or whatever communication portal available for two that if your communication only meant to be read by the two of you.

I think the main problem is, the different agreement of the definition of intimacy. Some people might think to call your loved ones with a name only you can call is already an intimate thing. (i belong to this group). Some might think that it's not. Another problem is the different excuses reasons people come up with for PDA. Some might say it's just a form of sharing happiness to the rest of the world, some say it's the form of sharing happiness to the family (well, they might not know that there is another way to do this apart from posting it on facebook), some simply may say that they just want to show off...just like a little kid having a very expensive and one of a kind toy and he/she just shows it to his/her friends, mocks them...
Look look look...I have this while you don't...
It kinda confuse me though. If you feel content in a fulfilling relationship, why do you feel the urge of wanting a response by the rest of the world? I mean I kinda understand of the urge of having physical contact in offline PDA but to have people response on your online PDA, I cannot get any other explanation except for wanting to show off. Well, I don't mind people showing off as long as they don't mind to be considered of showing off.

Initially, I agree with my friend hypothesis that I feel jealous so I dislike PDA. That might be true when I was still single and that PDA thingy really annoys me...
However, once I got married, surprise surprise, it still irks me. Wkwkwk...

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